
James is unavailable, but you can change that!

Former distinguished professor of New Testament at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Curtis Vaughan offers a concise guide to study the book of James that is packed with solid exegesis, clear explanations, and helpful practical insights. Equip your study of James with an accessible resource that marries study guide and commentary. The well-loved guide is a trusty aid for pastors preparing...

Second, it will make him entire. This word, rendered “perfectly equipped” by Williams, was used of that which is whole and complete in all its parts. Jewish writers like Josephus and Philo used it of sacrificial animals that were without blemish or defect. A word built on the same Greek root is used in Acts 3:16 of the lame man who had been miraculously healed through the word of Peter. Peter explained that through faith the man had been given “perfect soundness.” In the present passage James teaches
Pages 21–22